Embedded Customer Support.
Embed your customer support directly into your website or web application with a SwiftDesk widget.
Keep visitors on your site
Answer inquiries immediately
Be easy to contact
Save money
Extend SwiftDesk into your website.
With SwiftDesk widgets, you can offer knowledge base search, live chat, and contact forms from anywhere on your website by adding a single line of code.

Integrated Customer Support
Embed customer service directly into your website and empower customers to find answers, start live chats, or send you a message. SwiftDesk Portals appear as a subtle button that expands to a small window when clicked.

Start Conversations
Chat with people on your website in real-time to provide support to customers and information to your leads. Your customers can also send you offline messages, which will automatically be created as conversations in SwiftDesk.

Find Answers Instantly
Integrate your knowledge base so customers and find instant answers without contacting you or needing to leave your main website.

Easy One-Time Setup
Just a single line of code added to your website is all you need. Everything else is configured through SwiftDesk. You can be set up in just minutes.
Ready to get started?
- Free 30-day trial
- All features
- No credit card